Model define reference


A helper function to show all of values for key with dictionary.

>>> from model import Fruit
>>> fruit = Fruit()
>>> print(fruit.to_dict())
>>> {'num': 88, 'name': 'mongo', 'price': 10.5, 'colors': ['green', 'yellow'], 'buy_date': datetime.datetime(2017, 4, 27, 9, 36, 45, 459484), 'online': True}


A helper function to show all of values for key with ‘indent=4’ dumped dictionary. The datetime will be string.

>>> from model import Fruit
>>> fruit = Fruit()
>>> print(fruit.to_dict_format())
>>> {
        "name": "mongo",
        "buy_date": "2017-04-27 09:38:01.919688",
        "colors": [
        "num": 88,
        "price": 10.5,
        "online": true


A helper function to show all of values for key with dictionary. It doesn’t include model type like: datatime. etc.

>>> from model import Fruit
>>> fruit = Fruit()
>>> print(fruit.to_json())
>>> {'num': 88, 'name': 'mongo', 'price': 10.5, 'colors': ['green', 'yellow'], 'buy_date': '2017-04-27 09:38:01.919688', 'online': True}